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Business with Japan

Business with japan

The resources below can assist both Colorado and Japanese companies. 

Let us know how we can help!

This 30-minute webcast, completely in Japanese, was produced by the JASC Business Committee in the fall of 2013 in order to provide information to Japanese companies who are considering Colorado as a location for investment, partnerships, or setting up their U.S. business.

こちらは2013年秋にJASCのビジネス委員会によって作成された, コロラドでのビジネスを考える日本企業向けの完全日本語の30分webキャストです。

 Click here to watch – and be sure to “like” our video on YouTube! こちらからご覧いただけます。

Choose Colorado


ENGLISH – Choose Colorado 

Resources in both English and Japanese have been created by Colorado’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade in collaboration with Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation.  Both of these organizations are great supporters of JASC.  Use the links below to learn more about Japanese business in Colorado – and why it would work for your company!

日本語 – 選ぶならコロラド


Doing Business with Japan


Since 2011, Japan has been Colorado's fourth largest export market after Canada, Mexico, and China. Main export items to Japan include meat, medical instruments, industrial machinery like computers, and electronic machinery like TV or sound equipment. You can find more information from the links below, and see where future business opportunities lie.


Resources For Companies


  • OEDIT (Office of Economic Development & International Trade): works with statewide partners to create a positive business climate in Colorado. You would be able to get an idea of what it‘s like doing business and living in Colorado for international companies.                          

    • OEDITはコロラドでの良好なビジネス環境を整えることを目的とし、外国企業の誘致のための様々なコロラドにおけるビジネス環境の情報を提供します。

  • World Trade Center Denver: facilitates international trade by educating, serving, and connecting businesses in the Rocky Mountain region. There is a lot of information and help you would get through World Trade Center Denver when planning to start a business in Colorado.

    • World Trade Center Denverはコロラドでの国際貿易をより活発化させることを目的に、企業への教育、サービス提供、そして企業同士をつなげる仕事をしています。コロラドにおけるビジネスを考えている人にとって有益な情報、サービスを受けることができます。

  • JASC (Japan America Society of Colorado): You are already on the JASC website. JASC is a non-profit, non-political membership organization with a programmatic focus devoted to education, business, culture, and public affairs to promote mutual understanding between the people of Japan and Colorado at a grassroots level. Through our events and being a member, you would be able to build a connection with people doing business and living in Colorado 

    • 日米コロラド協会は日本とコロラドの人々の相互理解を草の根レベルで広げていくことを目的とする非営利、非政治的団体です。

    • 私たちのイベントに参加したり、会員となって、コロラド住民やビジネスを行う人たちと交流しませんか。

  • US Commercial Service: Supports American business with governmental and trade promotion activities. They also provide services and information to international buyers to make doing business easier in the U.S.

    • アメリカ大使館商務部ではアメリカでのビジネスを促進するために、外国企業向けの情報やサービスを提供しています。

  • JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization): is a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. JETRO also holds trade shows all over Japan, which is a great opportunity for foreign companies to get to know about companies in Japan. You can see the list of upcoming trade shows in Japan from HERE.

    • 日本貿易振興機構は日本と外国の相互貿易と投資を促進することを目的とした政府団体です。また見本市、展示会も日本で行っており、海外からたくさんの訪問者が訪れる場となっています。

  • Metro Denver EDC: is the nation's first regional economic development entity, bringing together over 70 cities, counties, and economic development agencies in the nine-county Metro Denver and Northern Colorado area. 

    • メトロデンバーは70以上の都市、国をつなぐ米国内初の地域的経済開発を行っています。

  • ACCJ (The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan): focuses on developing commerce between the U.S. and Japan, promoting the interests of U.S. business in Japan, and improving the international business environment in Japan. ACCJ has offices in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, Japan.

    • 在日米国商工会議所は東京、大阪、名古屋にオフィスをもち、日本での外国企業とのビジネス環境を整え、促進していく仕事をしています。

  • Consulate-General of Japan in Denver: supports economic exchange opportunities to accelerate growth in the economic relationship between Japan and the Rocky Mountain Region in various fields, including the energy and high-tech industries.

    • 在デンバー日本国総領事館は、日本とアメリカの経済関係の促進を目的に、エネルギーやハイテク産業を含めた様々な分野での両国のビジネスを支援しています。


CO Real Estate Information


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JASC Board Member, Shigemi “Sherry” Cree. Visit her website here.

Sherry, a native of Japan, grew up in Tokyo and graduated from Sophia University with a B.A. in Law and an emphasis in International Legal Studies. She is a broker/owner of Ascendant Real Estate focused on providing quality representation to home buyers, home sellers, and investors in the Metro Denver area since 2008. She serves on the Board of Directors for JASC, AREAA Greater Denver Chapter, and Food for Hope in Adams County. Sherry is an appointed member of the 2021 Legal Policy Committee of the Colorado Association of Realtors. She also enjoys spending her time supporting the Denver-Takayama Sister City relationship and Veteran’s Puppy for Life, which provides service dogs to combat veterans living with PTSD. She has been rappelling down Denver's downtown skyscrapers for the past 7 years to raise funds for the Cancer League of Colorado. To take a breather from all that action, she spends her time playing tennis, skiing, hiking, and golfing. Sherry is also a big-time foodie and a dog lover.

JASC information referral service


If you have questions about bringing your business to Colorado - or expanding your CO business into Japan - please contact us via the form below and we will do our best to direct you to experts within our network who may be able to help!

In addition, this link from JETRO (Japanese External Trade Organization) about setting up business in Japan may be a good place to start.