Mission & History



The mission of Japan America Society of Colorado (JASC) is to expand people to people relationships between Colorado and Japan by serving as a bridge to connect via business, education and cultural opportunities.



Our goal is to build a vibrant community dedicated to fostering cultural understanding and enriching connections between Japan and Colorado. With a stellar 96% rating on Charity Navigator, JASC is a trusted and impactful organization that offers diverse programs, cultural events, and networking opportunities.

私たちの目標は、日本とコロラド州の間で文化理解を促進し、豊かなつながりを築くことです。Charity Navigatorで96%という高い評価を受けているJASCは、信頼される影響力のある組織で、多様なプログラム、文化イベント、ネットワーキングの機会を提供しています。

-JASC Vision-

We strive to serve as a premier resource for companies and individuals in Colorado who are working with or have connections to Japan. We are dedicated to promoting positive U.S.-Colorado-Japan relations through the development of civic, business, and individual relationships.


-JASC Values-

In serving our community and guests, we are guided by the following core values that position us to fulfill our mission and achieve our vision:

  • Unique Opportunities– We provide purposeful, fun experiences for both business and individuals that combine learning with enjoyment.

  • Education & Life-Long Learning– We are passionate about providing superior education and life-long learning opportunities in all of JASC’s events and programs.

  • Excellence– We are committed to providing excellence to those we serve through our knowledge, experience, programs and activities.

  • Respect, Understanding & Collaboration– We encourage a spirit of respect and collaboration by working together to promote positive U.S.-Japan relations through the development of meaningful civic, business and individual relationships.

  • Fiscal Responsibility– We invest our resources wisely to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Japan America Society of Colorado.


  • ユニークな機会:当協会は価値のある、楽しい経験を、ビジネスや個人会員の方々のために提供しています。

  • 教育と生涯を通じての学習:当協会では、参加者が最高の教育と生涯役に立つ知識を得られるように、全てのイベントやプログラムを企画し実行しています。

  • 優秀さ:当協会は、コロラド日米協会の知識、経験、プログラム、その他の活動において、会員に対し、優れたものを提供できるよう努めています。

  • 尊重、理解、協力:当協会は、意義のある社会、経済、個人との関係の発展を通してよりよい日米の関係を広めていくために、互いを尊重し協力し合うことの大切さを伝えていきます。

  • 会計の責任:当協会は、コロラド日米協会の活動が長期にわたって続くよう、与えられた資源、予算を有効に使います。

-JASC History-

JASC was founded in 1989 and is a statewide organization, mainly serving Denver, Northern Colorado, and the mountain west communities of Summit and Eagle Counties. Our Board of Directors is comprised of leaders in business, government, education, and the arts. The general membership represents most of Colorado’s major population centers and is a mix of Japanese Americans, Japanese nationals and other Americans. The Society’s goal is to provide a forum through which the people of our two nations may learn from each other’s experiences and achievements.

The Society carries out these objectives by fostering cultural, personal, business, civic and professional relations between Americans and Japanese; by discussing important issues and interests common to Japan and America; and by promoting – through education – better understanding of the arts, literature, cultural ideals and aspirations of the Japanese and American people. We strive to ensure that the next generation of leaders of U.S.-Japan relations gains the necessary passion and experience to support this most important bilateral relationship.



We encourage you to join us and become a part of this wonderful journey of friendship and understanding
between the Colorado and Japanese cultures.
