Staff Updates

A Memorable Visit: Ambassador Shigeo Yamada’s Luncheon with JASC

On Monday, July 29, 2024, the Japan America Society of Colorado (JASC) had the distinct honor of hosting Shigeo Yamada, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the United States. This private luncheon was a significant occasion, as Ambassador Yamada was in Colorado for a series of important meetings, including one with Governor Jared Polis.

During his visit, Ambassador Yamada made time to connect with local Japan-related organizations and explore some of the Japanese companies operating in Colorado. His engagement provided an excellent opportunity for us to share the work we do and the impact of our programs.

At the luncheon, JASC representatives had the chance to discuss our annual educational and cultural outreach programs. We highlighted our support for Japanese language programs in Colorado and our role in assisting Japanese and Colorado businesses with cross-cultural communication and business protocol. This interaction underscored our commitment to fostering strong Japan-Colorado relations.

This visit marked Ambassador Yamada’s fifth trip to Colorado. He expressed his deep appreciation for the beauty of the Rocky Mountains and enjoyed the various outdoor activities our state offers. His continued interest in Colorado is a testament to the strong bonds we share.

We are looking forward to the opportunity to welcome Ambassador Yamada back during his tenure as Ambassador of Japan to the United States. His visits are always a source of inspiration and a reminder of the close ties between our communities.

For more information, you can read the press release from Governor Jared Polis’s office regarding Ambassador Yamada’s visit here.

We are grateful for the chance to strengthen our relationship with Japan through such meaningful interactions and look forward to future collaborations and visits.

Strengthening US-Japan Ties: Prime Minister Kishida's Congress Speech

Last week, Claudine, our Executive Director at JASC, had the honor of attending Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s speech to the joint session of Congress in Washington, DC. Invited by Colorado Congressman Jason Crow, District 6, Claudine witnessed a momentous occasion that showed the strong relationship between Japan and the U.S.

Prime Minister Kishida captivated the audience with his eloquence, passion, and the breadth of topics he covered. His speech not only highlighted the deep-rooted friendship between the two nations but also emphasized the pivotal roles they play in shaping global affairs.

Claudine encourages everyone to read the U.S.-Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement, which was released at the end of the visit here. You will see about 3/4 of the way down, this paragraph (underline added):

Fortifying People-to-People Ties

People-to-people exchanges are the most effective way to develop the future stewards of the U.S.-Japan relationship. In this regard, we recognize the achievements of exchange programs between our two countries, including the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme, KAKEHASHI Project, the Japan Foundation’s programs, and the U.S.-Japan Council’s TOMODACHI Initiative, and commit ourselves to providing more opportunities to meet today’s needs, including through enhanced subnational exchanges on critical issues such as climate and energy. We also recognize the important role civil society has played in strengthening the U.S.-Japan relationship over the past 170 years, including the 38 Japan-America Societies across the United States, the Asia Society, and the 29 America-Japan Societies across Japan.

Claudine extends her heartfelt gratitude to our JASC members’ contribution to strengthening the Colorado-Japan relationship. Each person does their part, and it makes a big difference. The strong friendship and alliance between the U.S. and Japan, and the leadership roles that both of our countries play in the world, are extremely important right now. Seeing the wheels of skilled diplomacy working in our nation’s capitol was inspiring.